
Crossroads can be defined as follows:

a road that crosses a main road or joins two main roads

a point at which a crucial decision must be made that will have far-reaching consequences

As I sit down to write this, we all, as individuals and as a nation are in fact at a crossroads.   Where do we go from here?  What direction do we need to take?  Which map should we follow?  All of those questions can be applied to either definition of crossroads. 

For me personally, I find that I am at a crossroads when it comes to commenting on things in politics.  At times as an ordained clergyperson, I feel that it is not my place to make "political" comments, yet I also have a responsibility to minister to the needs of all people and to encourage others to do the same.  Do I just sit quietly and offer prayers for those individuals who fled poverty, oppression and danger in their home countries, only to be used as "political pawns" and as "props" in an ideological battle?  Well, NO, I JUST CAN'T ANY LONGER!

I am outraged that so called political leaders in my country, the country that I love, could act that way.  Yes, there may be very valid reasons to be concerned about how we, as a nation, can care for thousands of people seeking a way into our country, but abusing them to make a "political statement" is NOT WHAT JESUS WOULD DO!

We need to encourage our countries' leaders to stop "pointing fingers" and work together to help people have a better life in their own countries and use our many resources to get that message delivered to leaders of those countries, and while we are doing that, yes, we also need to offer prayers for the people who are being uncared for.



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