New or Old
I don’t know
about you, but as we begin a “new” year, I often look back in history to see
what was happening not only during the most recent “last year” but also decades
ago. There is one thing that I have
learned from this exercise…we humans seem to continue to make the same
mistakes over and over and over again.
It’s one
thing to make one kind of mistake, learn from it and not repeat that mistake,
but it is entirely different when we make the same exact mistake over and over
When God
created us, he afforded us “free will”, which is a wonderful gift, and I can’t
imagine what our lives would be like without it. However, I think that we are often seeing
demonstrated lately is “free will” without any thought as to what the
consequences of the act may be.
As children,
we all made mistakes. When our parents
became aware of those mistakes, often, they would use it as a “teaching
moment”. Depending on the exact
situation, that “teaching” could be a calm explanation as to why it was wrong
to do whatever it was, or it could have been a non-stop trip to one’s room and
loss of a meal or t.v. viewing or being able to go outside or some other form
of “grounding”.
As we grew
into adulthood, hopefully those “lessons learned” stayed with us. But, as I view today’s news reports I can’t
help but wonder what went wrong???
in our Episcopal Tradition, as part of our celebration of Holy Eucharist, we
always confess our sins, and we say:
Most merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against you
in thought, word, and deed,
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved you with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
It is this
opportunity to unburden ourselves that helps us to continue to function and
work on being better humans. It is not a
“get out of jail free "card; however, we must continually strive to not make the
same mistakes and to continue to work at being better members of God’s family.
So as we
together face all of the challenges that 2022 will provide, let us remember our
past mistakes, and, along with God, strive to do what is just, fair
and right for all.
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