Lost in Time
As I sat down to start writing this latest post to my blog, I took a look back at my previous entries. I couldn't believe my eyes...I never realized that I have been using this format since March 2019. Within a year of that start date, COVID-19 advanced to the point that public gatherings including most church services were suspended. All of this is on my mind, since my wife Sarah and I just received our latest booster injections of Covid-19 vaccine. As of August 20, 2023, 6,910,396 people have died from Covid-19. Even with having all of our injections and boosters as they became available, we both have tested positive for Covid-19 during the past several years. As a result, we have become very cautious of surroundings and only recently have started to unmask more in public. It is indeed a human trait to want to return to "normal". But given the potential hazard that still potentially exists, one needs to use their best judgement in all situations. Ev...