Looking For Answers

 My computer is located on a desk in the loft of our home, in front of a window that looks out at a group of trees.  Most of the trees are evergreens, but a few are deciduous.  Right now, that means I can see some green mixed with bare branches. The grass areas are also a mixture of green and brown.  For the past few days, the sky has been overcast and gray.  It has been raining on and off.  

This view out of my window and the current weather conditions combine to offer up a rather depressed view of the world.  Add to that, the news reports of multiple acts of gun violence and mass shootings, the war in Ukraine, thousands of deaths due to a virus and the downward spiral seems to continue.

Where does one turn in times like this? There is no simple, clear-cut answer to that question.  The answer to that question is indeed as complex as the causes of the depression.  Our emotions bounce from outrage to fear to confusion or to a numbness of feeling.  It is times like this that quite often also lead some folks to question their faith and wonder "where is God in all of this?", but for others, turning towards God and strengthening their relationship with God is the result. 

If we look through the Bible and read the stories from the Old Testament and The New Testament as well as the Psalms and the Epistles, we learn that questioning what is going on in the world is nothing new and turning to God for answers is nothing new.  I believe that it is only by turning to God that we have any chance at all to find some answers. This comes with a great caveat however, the answer that you get may not be one that you are comfortable with.  However, I truly believe that the discomfort will provide the motivation to continue to seek more insight.





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