
Showing posts from May, 2022


 Having lived my entire life here in the northeastern part of the United States, so a result, I am very used to the changes in seasons.  We have four seasons here (not just the "senior" communities like many of us live in,) but four different types of weather each year.  Right now, as I write this, it is late Spring.  Looking out of my windows, I see new leaves returning to deciduous trees, evergreen trees brightening in color, iris plants blooming and shrubs that will soon need pruning to insure good growth. That is just one type of growing, I also see my grandsons growing from children to young adults and my granddaughters growing not only in size but also in maturity.  I have been attending Episcopal churches since the late 1970's.  I have served on the Vestry/Mission Committee at several parishes.  Since my Ordination fifteen years ago (as of June 9th) I have continued to attend Vestry/Mission Committee meetings with voice but no vote.   ...

One little Letter Can Equal HUGE differences

 Let me start with an example of one little letter making a huge difference: Deacon...Decon A Deacon in the Roman Catholic and Episcopal churches is a member of the Ordained ministry.  They have specific duties during the celebration of various liturgies, and they also carry out ministries of "service" to the greater church community and the community outside of the church walls. Decon is the brand name of a poison used to kill rodents  So, in a way, that little "e" is the difference between life and death. With that in mind, I want to remind all of you that all of those little things that you do for others from a welcoming smile to a newcomer in Church, to holding a door open for someone who is having mobility issues to letting that person with only two items at the check-out in the grocery store to get in front of you in line, to offer a smile to a stranger who looks sad.  All of these little things DO make a difference. During the past several years, all of our l...