What Month Is This???
There is a very old saying that goes like this: "Time Flies When You Are Having Fun". Well, I guess that I can't exactly use that excuse for not having a post ready for this Blog by the first of March. The concepts of fun and Lent don't usually go together. For many of us, our Lenten disciplines focus on giving up things that are fun or enjoyable. I do find writing this Blog quite enjoyable, and I would like to say that that is why I did not have a March offering completed on time, but I can't honestly make that statement. In looking back at my calendar, I do see that I was very involved with various Doctor's appointments, bloodwork, "Ashes To Go" prep, car repair appointments and sermon prep during the last week of February and the first few days of March, so, since I usually don't write "Blog Prep" in my calendar, it just got "lost in the sauce" so to speak. Since my last posting, I celebrated my 75th birthday. When I...