
Showing posts from January, 2022

But We've Always Done It That Way

I have been attending Episcopal Churches for about 50 years.  Over those years, I attended, or was assigned to, at least eight different parishes.  Not being one to just sit in the congregation only on Sundays, I always became "involved".  I cannot even begin to put a number on all of the various meetings I have attended.   While the locations changed, and the subject of the "work" that the committee was undertaking changed, one common thread has been present.  Things would be going along well until... that four lettered word (which actually contains six letters) would come up. You know the one, right?  Yes...C H A N G E I can't begin to tell you how often I sat with folks attempting to come up with strategies to introduce a change.  Also, the countless ways to try to counter the inevitable reply "I don't think we need to change that, after all "we've always done it that way" .  Quite often that would be followed-up with this other ditty.....