
Showing posts from August, 2021


Disappointment can be defined as sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations.  While this definition is fairly simple, the concept of  disappointment is  far more complex, because we tend to have various "levels" of disappointment.  We quite often are more or less disappointed in  ourselves, or for members of our families, or for close friends, or for strangers, or for adults, or for children, or for pets and so on and so on. Disappointment is nothing new.   Over and over again, as we read Holy Scripture, we see examples of disappointment.  We see humans "falling short of the mark" over and over again.  Think about Adam  and Eve... However, a close examination of the New Testament examples reveal that Jesus was never disappointed; how could He be, since He knew what would happen before it happened, and He knew that humans were flawed.     Because we are flawed humans, we quite often e...