
Showing posts from July, 2020


       For the past several months, like so many of you I have had quite a bit of time on my hands due to the Covid-19 lock down.   I have spent many hours viewing news programming almost every day.   With all that is currently going on in our country and in the world, seeing the way some folks are behaving, and hearing the words that are being said to and about others, I couldn't get this idea out of my head..... What Would Jesus Do?  Those thoughts brought back some memories.   In the 1990's, my wife Sarah and I were very involved with the youth ministry of our parish.  At one point, we used what was an extremely popular tool at that time, the W.W.J.D. curriculum and bracelets.  The letters stood for "What Would Jesus Do" and the core teaching was to make choices and decisions in one's life based upon what Jesus taught and exemplified in His life. I must admit, that at the time, while I was aware of the movement's 19...